If you are going to a new home or redesign your current one, you could be considering hiring someone to help. In this situation, you can do a quick internet search and some input from friends and family will leave you with more questions. So, what is the difference between an interior designer and interior decorator and which should you hire? Even though often mistaken as the same, they do provide different services. But, they also share quite a few similarities, which is probably why people often confuse the two. By reading this blog you can get a better understanding of the difference between an interior designer and interior decorator.
What is Interior Designer?
Interior design needs an academic background that usually involves studying color and fabric, computer-aided design (CAD) training, drawing, space planning, furniture design, and architecture. In a nutshell, an interior designer creates a functional living or workspace in order to accommodate people’s needs. Designers proposal the layout of any room to make it as functional as possible.
Generally, an interior designer works closely with contractors and architects. In a method, designer work towards the same goal, which is to present the client with the final look they are hoping for. By this means that a designer is involved from the beginning of a project up until the last decorative piece is placed in an area.
What is Interior Decorator?
Interior decorating does not need any formal schooling. The decorators are not involved in the structural planning of a room, an interior decorator usually handles decor. While a renovation, for example, the decorator is responsible for the general aesthetics of a room, this involves choosing a style, colors, textures, textiles, furniture, and accessories. Suppose, If a client has a specific theme in mind, the decorator makes it happen. If not, although, a decorator will suggest themes based on the client's requirements.
As long as an interior decorator does not make changes to the layout or structure of an area, they often work alone. An interior decorator will have contacts in specific industries such as textiles and furniture, but they usually have minimal contact with architects and contractors. In other terms, a decorator will arrive after a room has been structurally completed. Then, their job is to decorate the room.
Similarity Between an Interior Designer and Interior Decorator
There are many similarities between both jobs.an interior designers may carry out jobs which are mostly related to decorating. Besides, lots of interior decorators work closely with architects and contractors and are able to provide design services. So, there is no clear line between an interior designer and interior decorator. Even though the job descriptions themselves are different. Moreover, you may find that many companies offer both services for clients, making the entire process easier and smoother for you.
When will you hire an interior designer or an interior decorator?
First of all, to answer this question, you must first to know your needs clearly. What are the changes do you want to create to your home? Are you focusing on a different view with new furniture and colors? Then you should hire an interior decorator. Interior decorator will be able to help you decide on a theme or style that best suits your needs and fit in with your home. Suppose, if you want to make structural changes, such as breaking down a wall, increasing, or decreasing a room’s size, then a designer is who you need.
To choose the right choice, the decision should be based on one thing at the end of the day. particularly, what are the changes you need to make and what are the services your designer or decorator are offering? So before you start your home redesign journey, you must figure out exactly what you are looking for.
We hope you can now understand the difference between an interior designer and interior decorator after reading this blog.if you want to know more about our interior design services in Bangalore visit our website http://aksheraventura.com/